Name of Accused:
Culbreth, James Matt
Date of Arrest:
Charges For Arrest:
Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]
On September 21, 2024, I was dispatched to [1300 BLOCK] Corinth Rd in regards to a burglary in progress.
Upon my arrival I met with the caller, [REDACTED BY AGENCY], who stated that he had woke up and let his dogs out in the yard. He saw the dog barking at the corner of his house but did not think anything of it. [REDACTED BY AGENCY] walked back inside and began to put his shoes on. At this time he saw his door open and in walked a heavyset white male dressed in all black with a black mask. The male was saying he was the messenger. The male had a black foam bat and then began hitting [REDACTED BY AGENCY] in the front stomach area. [REDACTED BY AGENCY] then kicked the male in the face and fought the male in the living room. [REDACTED BY AGENCY] was able to get up and run to the front porch. He told the male to come out of his house. When the male exited the house he attempted to have a “heart to heart” with [REDACTED BY AGENCY] The male was stating to leave [REDACTED] alone. [REDACTED] is [REDACTED BY AGENCY]’s ex-girlfriend. [REDACTED BY AGENCY] walked inside and grabbed his rifle and when he walked back outside the male had left. [REDACTED BY AGENCY] stated he had stopped talking to [REDACTED] 2 weeks ago.
[REDACTED BY AGENCY] stated he knew the guy [REDACTED] was talking about was Matt. He stated that he was on probation in Coweta County in the drug court program but he did not know his last name. I checked [REDACTED BY AGENCY] for injuries and he had a welt on his abdomen and two welts on his back right below his neck. I recorded these injuries on my body-worn camera. I asked [REDACTED BY AGENCY] if he remembers a physical description of the male that attcked him and he stated that it was a heavyset white male in his 50’s, about 6 foot tall, and had stubble facial hair.
I changed the call nature to a dispute non-family.
I provided [REDACTED BY AGENCY] with a case number and advised procedures for TPO for [REDACTED].
[End of Narrative]