Sherrod Montgomery
Name of Accused:MONTGOMERY, SHERROD SINTEZE Date of Arrest:09/19/2024 Charges For…
Terry Nicholson
Name of Accused:NICHOLSON, TERRY JO Date of Arrest:09/20/2024 Charges For…
Amanda Okelley
Name of Accused:OKELLEY, AMANDA CHARLENE Date of Arrest:09/21/2024 Charges For…
Dario Perez-Castro
Name of Accused:PEREZ-CASTRO, DARIO ERNESTO Date of Arrest:09/21/2024 Charges For…
Elvin Ponce-Duron
Name of Accused:PONCE-DURON, ELVIN RONEY Date of Arrest:09/20/2024 Charges For…
Travis Pinkard
Name of Accused:PINKARD, TRAVIS NIKINO Date of Arrest:09/22/2024 Charges For…