Name of Accused:
Walker, Keith

Date of Arrest:

Charges For Arrest:
Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]
On 9-16-24 around 1001 I, Dep. Vonderhuevel, responded to 277 Walnut in reference to a disorderly customer refusing to leave.
Upon my arrival I met [VICTIM ] who stated a black male subject in all black (later identified as Keith Walker) had just left on foot as I was pulling up. I could see the male subject sitting under the rail road bridge with other subjects. [VICTIM ] stated initially that he had told Walker to get off the property as he had been scaring off customers begging for money and becoming aggressive when denied. The verbal altercation then blew up when Walker brandished an open pocket knife aiming it and holding it just inches from [VICTIM ]’s face. The altercation with the knife put [VICTIM ] in fear of his life.
I then made with Walker who had been under the bridge. Walker stated he had been over at the gas station trying to sell a cellphone for money. He admitted [VICTIM ] had tried to remove him from the property but stated he was leaving. He admitted to having the knife but stated it was not open nor did he point it at him within close range. I then detained him and walked him to my car.
I spoke with a witness name [WITNESS ] who stated he had seen the altercation. He stated the same incident as [VICTIM ] about the open knife and it being pointed at [VICTIM ] within close range. I then walked inside where I watched security footage of the incident which showed how it was described by [VICTIM ] and [WITNESS ].
Walker was notified he was going to be under arrest for aggravated assault and he was transported to the Bibb LEC without incident and warrants will be secured.
[End of Narrative]


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