Name of Accused:
Sweat, Shannon Cassie

Date of Arrest:

Charges For Arrest:
Disorderly Conduct
Cursing, abusing officer making arrest.
Disturbing the Peace
Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]
On 01/04/2025
, at approximately 1239 hours local time, I, Cpl. Savage, badge #W130 was dispatched to the Publix- Shopping complex at 17 Monroe Highway, Winder, Georgia, 30680 in reference to a disorderly conduct call for service. I responded CODE 1.
Once I arrived, I was able to identify it was Shannon Sweat, and she was sitting in front of the Pristine Dominican barber shop. I then asked her what was going on and she began to speak non-sense and began making statements about how bad her life was and it was my fault. I explained that I was called out to her location because she was yelling, cursing, and using racial slurs to patrons of the strip mall. I then observed several families to include young children in the barber shop which all of the patrons were able to hear Shannon cussing and yelling racial slurs.
Shannon then told me she was just talking to her sister, but she was upset that she could not get any Internet service so she could call an Uber ride. Ofc. Lukas, badge W143 then called [WITNESS ], the reporting person and confirmed with [WITNESS ] what Shannon was saying. [WITNESS ] stated that Shannon was screaming and cursing at individuals that were just walking to and from the stores and parking lot. [WITNESS ] stated that Shannon at one point called people “ni*gers” because she could not get cell phone service. In addition, Shannon was so loud that everyone in the vicinity could hear her. Shannon was acting in a violent, profane, indecent, offensive, obscene, vulgar and boisterous conduct with the language she chose to use. In addition, it was confirmed that Shannon was acting in a disorderly manner while calling people racial slurs.
I then placed Shannon under arrest and in handcuffs, I double locked them and checked them for proper placement and security. Shannon was ed incident to arrest checking for contraband, weapons and means of escape, and the took place in front of my patrol vehicle. Shannon was then escorted and placed into my patrol vehicle. It was at that point Shannon stated that I was a “damn Portico Rican” and she used the term in a derogatory manner towards me. Shannon was extremely abrasive towards me. I then placed Shannon into the back seat of my patrol vehicle and placed the seatbelt on her for safety purposes. I then conducted a of her bags, and I did not recover any contraband, but I did find opened food which was discarded because the jail does not allow open food in their facilities.
Shannon was then transported to the Barrow County Jail without any physical issue. On the way, Shannon made claims that we were all conspiring against her and how the County is now being ran by damn Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. Shannon stated that I was a guilty and corrupt officer and as she was about to exit my vehicle she stated “I hope you didn’t get shot”. Once we arrived and Shannon was accepted into the jail without issue. I then went back into service. Nothing follows.
Shannon was accepted into the jail with the following city ordinance citations:
16-10: Disturbing the Peace, citation #WC67744,
16-11: Disorderly Conduct, citation #WC67745,
20-10: Cursing, abusing officer making arrest, citation #WC67746.
I checked the back seat of my patrol vehicle prior and after placing Shannon in the back seat of my vehicle. No contraband was found.
Shannon was issued a criminal trespass warning for the Pristine Dominican barbershop at the shopping complex.
[End of Narrative]


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