Name of Accused:
Date of Arrest:
Charges For Arrest:
Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]
On Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
at approximately 21:24 hours, I Deputy Marsh, was dispatched to [6500 BLOCK] Hwy 87 Lot [REDACTED], Macon GA 31210 in regards to a disturbance. The complainant, [WITNESS ], was the caretaker of the victim and was reporting the incident third party. [WITNESS ] stated that the suspect was at the house and he was threatening the victim and was drunk and that he was tearing up the house. [WITNESS ] also advised that the suspect had previous stabbed a roommate in Maryland.
Myself and CPL Steven arrived on scene and made with the suspect, Mone Sayviseth, who was heavily intoxicated. I told Sayviseth to step outside and speak with us. Once the Sayviseth came outside, he was checked for weapons and a pocket knife was found in his left pocket. The knife was secured away from the Sayviseth. During this time Sayviseth was being confrontational and exhibiting obvious intoxication. CPL Stevens stood by with Sayviseth while I went inside the residence to find the victim, [VICTIM ], who was locked inside his bedroom due to how frightened he was from the situation that had occurred. Sayviseth has lived with [VICTIM ] for approximately 3 months because he needed somewhere to stay. During that time there had been multiple incidents where Sayviseth had been drunk and hostile with [VICTIM ].
I asked [VICTIM ] how many times this has happened and due to the language barrier, a direct answer was not given, however he stated that it happened more that a few times. [VICTIM ] said that he told Sayviseth that he needed to leave and he was packing his things. When asked why he didn’t ask him to leave during the other incidents he stated that Sayviseth didn’t have anywhere to go and he felt bad about it. While speaking with [VICTIM ] I heard Sayviseth yelling out front with CPL Stevens, I went outside and told Sayviseth to turn around and put his hands behind his back. When assisting Sayviseth arms behind his back he started tensing up and attempting to resist being put in handcuffs. Sayviseth was told multiple times to stop tensing up and resisting to which he did not comply to. Sayviseth hands were then forced to his back again and placed in handcuffs. Sayviseth was told and assisted to sit down in the chair.
[VICTIM ] stated that Sayviseth became irate and drunk around noon and he told him that he needed to leave. During this time Sayviseth packed up his belongings and was drinking the whole time according to [VICTIM ]. Around 20:30 hours Sayviseth started becoming violent and throwing things around the house. Sayviseth started grabbing all the contents of the bathroom and threw into the living room on the floor where items were broken. When [VICTIM ] confronted him about it, Sayviseth charged after him and pushed him against the wall causing marks on the victims back. [VICTIM ] stated that Sayviseth said he was going to kill him. Sayviseth then grabbed [VICTIM ] by the throat and began to choke him. [VICTIM ] said that he believed that the suspect was going to kill him when Sayviseth started choking him and knowing that he had a knife in his pocket. The victim was able to break free and go to his room where he locked the door. [VICTIM ], having prior knowledge of Sayviseth’s violent behavior and had previously stabbed another roommate, he believed that his life was currently in danger. [VICTIM ] called his caretaker [WITNESS ] and told her about the incident and then she called 911 to report the incident.
[VICTIM ] advised that Sayviseth had a few other belongings inside the house but everything else was gone. [VICTIM ] did not want Sayviseth back at the house and stated he wanted his car gone too so that Sayviseth did not have a reason to come back to the house. A tow truck was called at the request of [VICTIM ] to have the vehicle removed from the property at the owners request. The few items that Sayviseth had were placed in his car. Forsyth Wrecker came to remove the vehicle at [VICTIM ] request.
Pictures of [VICTIM ] were taken to show injuries. [VICTIM ] had a scrape on his back that was from being pushed into the wall/ cupboard in the kitchen area. [VICTIM ] and his caretaker [WITNESS ] were advised about victim services and resources to obtain a TPO against Sayviseth.
This incident and [VICTIM ] testimony was assisted with his caretaker [WITNESS ] due to a language barrier. Sayviseth’s criminal history shows that he has multiple violent incidents with roommates and other people.
Sayviseth is being charged with Aggravated Assault, Criminal Trespass, Possession of a knife during the commission of a felony, and Battery against a person 65 years and older.
Sayviseth was handcuffed behind his back. The handcuffs were checked for fit and double locked. Sayviseth was ed incident to arrest with no contraband found. Sayviseth was placed in the rear of my patrol car that was ed before and after transport with no contraband found. Sayviseth was transported to the Monroe County Jail where custody was transferred over to jail staff.
[End of Narrative]